Oliver: Well done. You deserved it.
Franchesca: I'm so glad I got it I though I was going to be up for sure.
Oliver: Well now you are safe and all that matters is that you don't go out in week one.
Franchesca: Yea I guess so.
Franchesca: You did well Miles.
Miles: Thanks.
Franchesca: I expected you to win though.
Miles: Why?
Franchesca: I just thought you were competitive
Miles: I am, I just didn't feel it today. You kept going forever and I was tired.
Michelle: Why did you give up so quickly?
Celeb: I just didn't feel like I had to worry.
Michelle: I guess that's true, but you should of tried a little harder.
Celeb: Probably, but nothing I can do now. I just thought some others needed it more.
Michelle: That's kind, but you have to look out for number one.
Piper and Miles are talking in the bedroom.

Miles: Did you see who took my clothes Piper?
Piper: No honey. Where were they.
Miles: Well I decided to skinny dip and then I looked round and they weren't there.
Piper: Oh... I'm sure they will turn up.
Aliah: I did the most hilarious thing Sim Brother.
SB: What would that be Aliah?
Aliah: I took Miles' clothes while he was skinny dipping.
SB: Why did you do that?
Aliah: It will teach him not to skinny dip when he doesn't know the people round him.
SB: Are you going to give them back?
Aliah: I did it.
Michelle: Did what?
Aliah: I took Miles' clothes.
Michelle: Why though?
Aliah: So he wont skinny dip any more.
Michelle: I think you should give them back.
Aliah: In good time Michelle.
Piper: Still no luck?
Miles: No. I am really worried.
Ramses: Just put some other clothes on.
Miles: Obviously. I just want them back though.
Piper: Don't get upset, it's obviously a prank that has gone too far.
Miles: I'm not upset!
Michelle: How long are you going to wait it out?
Aliah: Till he finds his clothes.
Michelle: And just act like you knew nothing?
Aliah: I figure someone will of been evicted by then so blame it on them.
Michelle: It's scary how much of an evil genius you are.
Franchesca is talking to Miles in the bedroom.

Miles: Have you found anything yet?
Franchesca: Nothing. Look you have clothes and you will come across them soon enough.
Miles: I hope so.
Franchesca: I know so. Just calm down and relax.
Aliah: I first nominate Miles. I am still a little disgusted with the skinny dipping.
SB: And your second nomination.
Aliah: Oliver, he seems way too quiet. Like scary quiet.
SB: Hello Celeb can you please give your first nomination and the reasons why.

Celeb: Miles, the skinny dipping was just creepy.
SB: And your other nomination.
Celeb: Ramses, him and Miles are really close and it's a little intimidating.
SB: Franchesca can you please give your first nomination and the reasons why.

Franchesca: Miles, he was very derogatory towards women at the start and I didn't like it.
SB: And your second nomination.
Franchesca: Ramses, for the same reason really.
Michelle: Aliah, with the whole Miles' clothes thing she is being mean, and she kinda scares me.
SB: And your second nomination.
Michelle: Miles, he just isn't my type of person. I am sure he is lovely though.
SB: Miles can you please give us your first nomination and the reasons for this nomination.

Miles: Michelle, she strikes me as boring.
SB: And your second nomination?
Miles: Aliah, I think she took my clothes, she seems sneaky like that.
SB: Oliver please give your first nomination and the reasons for that nomination.

Oliver: Miles, he is too full of himself.
SB: and your second nomination?
Oliver: Celeb, he needs to grow up a bit. Also he threw the task and he shouldn't have.
SB: Piper please give your first nomination and the reasons for this nomination.

Piper: Miles, he is a nice boy but has a lot to learn about women's rights.
SB: and your second nomination?
Piper: Oliver, I just haven't really taken to him.
SB: Ramses please give your first nomination and the reasons for this nomination.

Ramses: Celeb, I don't want any girls to leave and I'm close to Miles.
SB: And your second nomination?
Ramses: Oliver, for the same reasons.
Miles is talking to Piper and Franchesca about his lost clothes.

Miles: I still haven't found them.
Piper: Look just forget about them for now.
Franchesca: Yea chill out.
Piper: They will turn up!
Miles: Okay. Please just keep looking for me.
Piper is telling Miles and Aliah a gohst story in the front room.
Oliver and Franchesca are talking in the kitchen.

Oliver: I was sat in there like 'NO I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!'
Franchesca: Same it really made me think about the game.
Oliver: It's a tactical decision without you realizing it is.
Franchesca: Yea, but I don't want to seem like I'm playing a game because I'm not.
Oliver: I don't think it will come across that way.
Michelle: I kind of hope a boy goes.
Aliah: Me too, us girls have to stick together.
Franchesca: It depends which boy though. Some deserve to go more than others.
Aliah: I agree.
Michelle: I just hope I'm not up to be fair.
Oliver: What?!....
Franchesca: No way!
Oliver: It's okay no worries guys.
Miles: WHAT!!
Ramses: It will be okay Miles.
Olver: I'm shocked.
Piper: You will be fine. I'm sure.
Oliver: I just didn't expect it.
Miles: I can't believe it. They are all so nice to my face. First my clothes then this! You know if I stay no more Mr nice guy! I'm going for people and I'm going to be in it to win it!
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