SB: Hello Michelle.
Michelle: Hello Sim Brother. So we finally meet.
SB: What is bothering you then Michelle?
Michelle: Well Miles has just got in and started skinny dipping. He is naked in a house of people he doesn't know!
SB: Does this make you uncomfortable?
Michelle: Yes, but obviously he doesn't feel the same. He is quite arrogant anyway.
SB: Does this bother you Michelle?
Michelle: A tad. Not that much though. I guess I don't know him though.
Miles: I must say I am a little disappointed with the talent provided.
Ramses: Talent?
Miles: Yea talent. You know like the girls. I expected really really good looking.
Ramses: I don't know. I think Michelle is good looking and Aliah. Although Piper and Franchesca are married they are also beautiful women.
Miles: I'm just a bit disappointed myself.
Aliah and Miles are in the main room talking about future tasks.

Aliah: So what do you think the tasks will be?
Miles: I don't know, but I don't think they will be at all easy.
Aliah: Neither do I.
Miles: I hope I do okay in them though.
Aliah: I don't think you will have any problems.
Piper and Franchesca are talking outside about theit home lives.

Piper: I know I'm going to miss my children when I am here.
Franchesca: How many do you have?
Piper: Three.
Franchesca: Really? Me and my husband want to start a family when I come out.
Piper: That's great. No matter what anyone says don't breast feed. It hurts too much.
Franchesca: I'm going to try it if I can but I don't think I will be able to.
Piper: So who do you like then?
Aliah: I don't know. I think Celeb is good looking and Oliver too. Miles strikes me as a little bit of a creep though.
Piper: I know what you mean about Miles and yea those two are cute.
Aliah: So who watched the last season?
Michelle: I did.
Piper: Same.
Franchesca: I didn't
Aliah: So who did you two want to win?
Piper: I wanted Teal to win.
Michelle: I wanted Bethany to win till she became a bitch. Then I wanted James to win.
Aliah: I really wanted Sarah to win at the end. She was different.
Aliah: So all skinny dipping together eh? A little bit of a bromance going on?
Miles: Nothing wrong with a bromance.
Aliah: Not saying there is.
Oliver: What are you saying then?
Franchesca: I'm afraid I will go.
Piper: Why?
Franchesca: I'm just not bonding with others that quickly.
Piper: Don't worry. I think you will be okay.
Franchesca: Well I wouldn't vote off you so I hope you wouldn't me.
Piper: Fran! We can't talk about nominations.
Sim Brother has called all the housemates the the living area.

SB: Housemates Franchesca and Piper spoke about nominations earlier. As a result of this the housemates will lose the hot-tub. The doors to outside will be locked as we take away the hot-tub.
Aliah: I can't believe this. The one rule we were given was not to talk about nominations. How can you possibly not follow that?!
Miles: I know you two better have a good excuse!

Oliver: Just calm down. It's done now leave it.
Miles: Fine. I'm so not happy though.
Aliah: Neither am I.
SB: What do you think of the housemates behaviour?
Michelle: Well I have spoken to Piper about it and I feel sorry for her it seems like it was all Fran and now the house has split because of it.
SB: How has the house split?
Michelle: Well we have Ramses, Miles and Aliah on one side and Fran and Piper on the other side. Me, Oliver and Celeb are kind of hovering in the middle.
Franchesca: I just want to apologize. I didn't realize at the time and I want to clear the air with you.
Aliah: I just don't understand why you did it. Obviously I wont know what you said but you can see why I thought you were plotting.
Franchesca: I promise you I wasn't.
Aliah: Okay lets just forget it for now. No point in arguing.
Ramses and Celeb are talking in the bathroom.

Ramses: Why aren't you as bothered about the nomination talking?
Celeb: You just have to get over it.
Ramses: But it was wrong.
Celeb: But you can't do anything about it. Just try to keep your nose out a little.
Aliah and Miles are talking about the first eviction.

Aliah: I am so happy we get a few weeks together before an eviction.
Miles: Same I just think I know who will go first.
Aliah: I have an idea too, but lets not talk about it.
Michelle has come into the front room to see the mess from the night before.

Celeb: Michelle we want to say we are sorry for leaving the mess.
Miles: Yea you should of left us to clean it.
Michelle: Don't be silly. I didn't mind.
Miles: Are you sure.
SB: What is wrong Piper?
Piper: It's Michelle. She is just spending her time cleaning up after people. I feel sorry for her.
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