Celeb: I vote we refuse this week.
Piper: Well I will, if you and one other person does.
Celeb: Ask Michelle.
Piper: She is immune anyway.
Celeb: Us two are refusing this week.
Michelle: Why?
Piper: We don't want to do it.
Michelle: Okay...
Celeb: Will you do it with us.
Michelle: I don't know.
Piper: Come on!
Michelle: Well...
Celeb: It will be fun.
Michelle: Okay.
Aliah: I nominate Miles because I think he is a creep. I also nominate Franchesca purely because we are running out of boys and out of the girls I like her the least.
Celeb: I refuse to vote.

SB: Celeb please nominate.
Celeb: No I refuse.
SB: Please leave the diary room. Sim Brother will contact you shortly.
Franchesca: I nominate Miles because I still think he is a little weird and off putting. I also nominate Aliah because I have a sneaky suspicion she took Miles' clothes.
Michelle: I refuse to nominate.

SB: Please exit Sim Brother shall contact you shortly.
Miles: I nominate Aliah because I am now positive that she took my clothes. I also nominate Piper because she wanted me to go over Oliver.
Piper: I refuse to nominate.

SB: Sim Brother will contact you shortly. Please exit the diary room.
Ramses: I nominate Celeb and Franchesca. I just don't talk to them much.
Celeb, Piper and Michelle have been put into the Sim Brother Prison for 3 days for refusing to nominate. Also Celeb and Piper will automatically face eviction as they do not have immunity.
Miles and Ramses are talking about Piper and Celeb.

Ramses: Do you think they will get to come out before leaving?
Miles: I hope so. I wouldn't want someone to leave without saying bye.
Ramses: Sim Brother can be cruel though.
Miles: I don't know who I want to go.
Ramses: What do you mean?
Miles: I don't like Celeb, but if he goes there are 4 girls and us two.
Ramses: So?
Miles: We will be outnumbered.
Ramses: I'm worried Aliah.
Aliah: Why?
Ramses: Miles said Celeb will go so the boys will be outnumbered.
Aliah: And?
Ramses: Are the girls ganging up on us?
Aliah: No.
Ramses: But...
Aliah: Miles has been paranoid since I took his clothes... oops.
Ramses: It was you?!
Aliah: Don't say anything please.
Piper: Worried?
Celeb: Kind of. You?
Piper: Yes. Terrified in fact.
Celeb: Our idea was stupid!
Piper: Yes... Yes it was.
Michelle: Don't worry you will be fine.
Piper: I feel stupid for trying to play the system!
Michelle: Just don't worry Piper. Really don't worry!
Piper: Okay. I will try.
Aliah: I am so nervous that they wont get to come out before.
Franchesca: They aren't that cruel.
Aliah: You never know.
Franchesca: I hope not anyway.
Franchesca: Sim Brother do the others get to come back to the main house before eviction?

SB: Yes.
Franchesca: That is all. Thank you Sim Brother.
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