Teal: I'm so worried you know, me and you have spent all our time together I think that could be a reason for nomination.
Everett: Well you have nothing to worry about.
Teal: What do you mean?
Everett: Well I would never nominate you.

SB: Everett you have broken house rules about talking about nominations. As a punishment you are no longer immune for this weeks eviction.
Everett: What!?
SB: You may now leave the diary room.

Teal: You know I'm really scared myself or Everett will leave.
Ariel: Well if he does you know you have all your friends in here.
Teal: Yea, I just don't want to lose him yet.
Ariel: If you become too dependant on him people may not like you.
Teal: I'm not worried about that.
Ariel: I would be, you want the $100,000 dont you?
Ariel: I would be, you want the $100,000 dont you?
Teal: Yea, I just feel like I have already won by meeting Everett.

Everett: They have taken my immunity off me.
Amy: Why?
Everett: They heard me tell Teal I wouldn't ever nominate her.
Amy: People know that anyway though.
Everett: Yea I know, but rules are rules.
Nominations this week begin with Amy.
SB: Amy can you give us your first nomination?
Amy: I nominate Teal because I think if she wasn't here Everett would have a bit more freedom and may even be happier.
SB: And you other nomination?
Amy: Jennifer, I just don't really think she likes me.
SB: Ariel can you please say your two nominations and your reasons for these nominations.
Ariel: Well first Everett, I just dont like him and secondly Amy, I don't feel like I connect with her at all.
SB: Bethany who are your two nominations and the reasons for these nominations?
Bethany: Everett, I don't know him well and he has made no effort to get to know me and Amy, because she sort of irritates me.
SB: Everett who are your two nominations?
Everett: Bethany, because I haven't talked to her a lot and Jennifer because she just seems to look down on me.
SB: James may you give your nominations and the reasons.
James: I nominate Amy and Everett, just because I haven't really spoken to them yet, thats all.
Jasper: I nominate Jennifer because she is starting to annoy me and Amy because we don't talk a lot.
Jennifer: I nominate Amy and Everett because I don't really get along with either of them and I just think Everett is a bit child like.
Teal: I hate to do this but I nominate Ariel because I don't want him here and Jennifer because she keeps giving me dirty looks.
Sim Brother has gathered housemates at the table for the results of nominations.
SB: The housemates facing eviction in no particular order are.......

SB: Amy can you give us your first nomination?
Amy: I nominate Teal because I think if she wasn't here Everett would have a bit more freedom and may even be happier.
SB: And you other nomination?
Amy: Jennifer, I just don't really think she likes me.

Ariel: Well first Everett, I just dont like him and secondly Amy, I don't feel like I connect with her at all.

Bethany: Everett, I don't know him well and he has made no effort to get to know me and Amy, because she sort of irritates me.

Everett: Bethany, because I haven't talked to her a lot and Jennifer because she just seems to look down on me.

James: I nominate Amy and Everett, just because I haven't really spoken to them yet, thats all.

SB: The housemates facing eviction in no particular order are.......
James: There is more than two I just know it.
SB: Jennifer
Jennifer: What a suprise.
SB: Amy
Amy: Really? Wow!
Teal: Is that it?
Bethany: I guess so.
SB: And Everett.
Jasper and Ariel are talking in the main room.
Jasper: I'm kinda suprised that Everett is up.
Ariel: I'm not he must of rubbed some people the wrong way.
Jasper: Yea but enough to be up?
Ariel: I guess not.
Jasper: Maybe people thought he was a safe choice.
Jennifer and James are talking by the table.
James: Good luck Jen.
Jennifer: Thanks, but I can assure you friday it will be me out those doors. The other two are better contestants.
James: You don't know that, you honestly don't know what they are showing.
Jennifer: Yea I know but Everett will stay because people want to see him and Teal so its down to me and Amy.
James and Everett are talking by the bedroom.
James: I feel so sorry for Jen.
Everett: What about me?
James: You wont go.
Everett: I could do.
Amy and Teal are in the living room.
Amy: Come on dance Teal. I wanna enjoy my last night.
Teal: It's not your last night don't be stupid, I do like your eviction dress though.
Amy: Thank you.
SB: Jennifer
Jennifer: What a suprise.
SB: Amy
Amy: Really? Wow!
Teal: Is that it?
Bethany: I guess so.
SB: And Everett.

Jasper: I'm kinda suprised that Everett is up.
Ariel: I'm not he must of rubbed some people the wrong way.
Jasper: Yea but enough to be up?
Ariel: I guess not.
Jasper: Maybe people thought he was a safe choice.

James: Good luck Jen.
Jennifer: Thanks, but I can assure you friday it will be me out those doors. The other two are better contestants.
James: You don't know that, you honestly don't know what they are showing.
Jennifer: Yea I know but Everett will stay because people want to see him and Teal so its down to me and Amy.

James: I feel so sorry for Jen.
Everett: What about me?
James: You wont go.
Everett: I could do.

Amy: Come on dance Teal. I wanna enjoy my last night.
Teal: It's not your last night don't be stupid, I do like your eviction dress though.
Amy: Thank you.
Next new housemate Sarah enters the house.
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