Octavia has been called to the diary room.
SB: Octavia you have been evicted you may leave through the side doors.
Octavia: WHAT!? Why?
SB: Goodbye Octavia.

James has come to see Sim Brother.
James: I can't believe it, there is only 3 of us left in this house. It's not right.
SB: What do you mean James?
James: It's so lonely. I just don't like it.

Kenny is in the kitchen fixing the sink Prunella broke earlier.

Prunella and James are in the eating area talkng about the main house.
Prunella: So we know there is 7 people left in the 2 little houses and 5 in the main house. I hope at least one of us gets in the main house now.
James: Same, to be honest I think Kenny deserves it the most, but I think he would enjoy it the least.
Prunella: Same, I think you would enjoy it the most.

Prunella and Kenny are in the pool talking about the final few weeks.
Prunella: You know I'm proud to have made it this far.
Kenny: Same, its not the best achievement, but still I did it.
Prunella: We beat out a lot of people to get here as well.

James has come to Sim Brother.
James: I actually hate this.
SB: What do you mean James.
James: There isn't enough people and Prunella and Kenny are talking about how we have done well like its the final week. Well I don't want it to be my last week!
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