Jennifer: I'm flattered honestly, but I don't want to lead you on. I dont feel the same mainly because I don't know you.
Everett: I get it . I just thought it would be better to tell you than ignore it.
Jennifer: I'm happy you did and me and you will still be friends, I promise
Everett: Thanks Jen your awesome

Orlando: Everett wheres Jen?
Tiffany: Did you not hear Orlando she said no.
Orlando: Yea but I thought he would be still trying.
Everett: Shut up guys
Orlando: Mate I'm only messing
Everett: Yea but its not funny.
Tiffany: He didn't mean it

Jenna: I can't believe she said no. He is so nice and sweet.
Orlando: If she doesn't like him not a lot she can do.
Jenna: I guess, but still she's a b***h

Miranda: Hi SimBrother
SB: Miranda, You have been evicted.
Miranda: WHAT!? WHY!?
SB: Please leave through the door to your side. You are the 2nd housemate to be evicted.

Orlando: She has been in there a long time?
Charlotte: Is she coming back?
Orlando: You never know in here. She wouldn't walk she was in it to win.
Chalotte: What if she is gone though?
Orlando: I dont know.
Jennifer and Orlando are talking about Charlotte and Everett in the hut.
Orlando: So you and Everett?
Jennifer: You and Charlotte?
Orlando: Okay I like her but I'm not gonna tell her not after how you shot down Everett.
Jennifer: I don't want people to think I'm a b***h just I didn't wanna lead him on.
Orlando: Thats a good thing though right?

Orlando: So you and Everett?
Jennifer: You and Charlotte?
Orlando: Okay I like her but I'm not gonna tell her not after how you shot down Everett.
Jennifer: I don't want people to think I'm a b***h just I didn't wanna lead him on.
Orlando: Thats a good thing though right?
Jennifer: I guess
Sim Brother has called Tiffany to the diaryroom.
SB: Tiffany you have been evicted. You may leave through the side doors.
Tiffany: What?

SB: Tiffany you have been evicted. You may leave through the side doors.
Tiffany: What?
SB: Tiffany you have been evicted. You may leave through the side doors.
Everett: What?
Orlando: Now Tiffany has gone in and not come out.
Jena: That means Miranda has gone.
Orlado: Yep
Everett: And Tiff is next?
Orlando: Exactly
Jena: But why?
After the evictions everyone gets their own beds.
Charlotte has come to the diray room.
Charlotte: Whats with the evictions Sim Brother?
SB: Tiffany, Jena and Miranda are in a tripple eviction.
Charlotte: JENA!?
Sim Brother has called Jena to the diary room.
SB: Jena you have been evicted. You may leave through the side doors.
Jena: WHAT!?
SB: Jena you have been evicted. You may leave through the side doors.
Jena: Can I say goodbye?
SB: Jena you have been evicted. You may leave through the side doors.
Jena: FINE!
Orlando: Now Tiffany has gone in and not come out.
Jena: That means Miranda has gone.
Orlado: Yep
Everett: And Tiff is next?
Orlando: Exactly
Jena: But why?
Orlando: Well we dont know how evictions work here, must be how.
Jena: I guess.

Charlotte: Whats with the evictions Sim Brother?
SB: Tiffany, Jena and Miranda are in a tripple eviction.
Charlotte: JENA!?

SB: Jena you have been evicted. You may leave through the side doors.
Jena: WHAT!?
SB: Jena you have been evicted. You may leave through the side doors.
Jena: Can I say goodbye?
SB: Jena you have been evicted. You may leave through the side doors.
Jena: FINE!
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